About the murder of Martin Kok: ‘Done, get rid of that dog’

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About the murder of Martin Kok: ‘Done, get rid of that dog’

The new information added this week by the Public Prosecution Service in the Marengo trial file concerns, among other things, the murder of crime blogger Martin Kok in December 2016 in the parking lot of the Boccaccio sex club in Laren. According to the Algemeen Dagblad, the Public Prosecution Service concludes from newly readable messages from PGP telephones that Ridouan Taghi personally directed the murder.


On December 8, 2016, Martin Kok met with Scotsman Christopher Hughes, with whom he was going to conclude an advertising deal about encryption phones for his crime blog Vlinderscrime.

This Scot has now been sentenced to life in Glasgow for complicity in the murder of Kok, but he does not appear in the chats that have now become known. A witness stated that Hughes told him everything about the murder.


Martin Kok, just before entering Boccaccio on December 8, 2016, around 7:30 PM.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, the recently decrypted messages show that Anouar B. had to pass on Kok’s movements as a “spotter” during the attack on Martin Kok on December 8, 2016.

Kok had an appointment with Hughes at the CitizenM hotel near the Amsterdam Zuid railway station. Then they walked together to Kok’s car. Surveillance images show a man walking behind Kok and holding a firearm next to his head. The weapon apparently refuses and Kok notices nothing.

What the fuck

According to the investigation, Anouar B. was chatting at that moment with a PGP telephone used by Taghi. Anouar B. is said to have written:

That dog drives away (…) They didn’t do anything, what the fuck man.

Taghi, at least a user with the nick “Enemy for all motherfuckers 1” would have written:

Nothing was done and he (Kok, ed.) just walked past the head (shooter, ed.)!??

Whore club

Kok and Hughes then drive to the sex club in Naarden. Enemy for all motherfuckers 1 already knows that and passes it on to “Rambo” (according to Justice Anouar B.).

Sir sir. He is now going to Boccaccia, is in Laren, whore club! I’ll arrange that now.

Justice in Scotland assumed that Christopher Hughes briefed the plans, and that Taghi could receive that information. According to justice, Enemy for all motherfuckers 1 must have directed the shooter to Laren.

Once in Laren, Rambo tells him:

Okay sir, head will lie down quietly in the bushes, 10 meters from that dog’s car.

Enemy for all motherfuckers 1:

Sir, put head in position quickly!!! Tell him: headshot!!!!!

Some time later, Martin Kok walks out of the sex club. Christopher Hughes doesn’t walk out with him. When Kok is in the car, an unknown person fires him.

Enemy for all motherfuckers 1 responds to Rambo’s message that it’s over:

Done, get rid of that dog.


It is remarkable that until now the justice department thought that someone else had been the spotter. Anouar B. was accused of being involved in a failed bomb attack on a car belonging to Kok at the Klein Kalfje restaurant in Amsterdam earlier that year.

Anouar B. was imprisoned in Morocco in 2017 on suspicion of involvement in an assassination attempt there (he received 20 years in prison). He made a statement in the presence of Dutch investigators, also about the murder of Martin Kok, but lawyers and the judges were never able to test that very short statement. He was never questioned further about it.

Amsterdam-Rhine Canal

In that statement, B. himself plays no role in the attack on Kok. He points to another Marengo suspect and an unnamed “black man” as the shooter. He named Ridouan Taghi as the client.

On B.’s instructions, two firearms were found in the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal near Utrecht in 2018. According to B., Kok’s murder was allegedly committed with one of those weapons. However, investigation showed that the two weapons cannot be linked to any known shootings.

One of the weapons had a minor defect, which investigators said may have been associated with a misfire.

Also see:

How the police arrived at Hughes via Morocco

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