“A mess at Ajax in every way, they can get Overmars back from me”

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“A mess at Ajax in every way, they can get Overmars back from me”

Glenn Helder is making mincemeat of the current situation at Ajax. The former Orange international sees that many people with a club heart are leaving Amsterdam.

“It’s a mess at Ajax,” says Helder in a video item from Today Inside. “It’s a mess on the field, it’s a mess at the youth academy, it’s a mess in the boardrooms… People who have an Ajax heart, whatever you think of them, like Danny Blind, Michael Reiziger, Winston Bogarde and Gerald Vanenburg, are all gone. It’s a mess on every level.”

Helder sees that the house of cards has collapsed since the departure of director of football affairs Marc Overmars. Since Overmars left, things have become a mess and now everyone is complaining about Van der Sar,” said the former Arsenal attacker. “They are right about that, in the sense that: He is responsible for how things are now and then you have to draw consequences from that. Only I also know that Van der Sar and Overmars were responsible for very good matches. They have given the Ajax brand value again.”

Helder personally has no problem with a return from Overmars, who left because of transgressive behavior. “They can get Overmars back from me.”


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