5x why it’s a shame that Disney’s luxury Star Wars hotel is closing

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5x why it’s a shame that Disney’s luxury Star Wars hotel is closing

The Disney World Galactic Starcruiser hotel is closing its doors. It had only been open for a very short time: a year, but the Mouse House does not know how to rhyme. Remarkable, because it could have been expected with the price it cost in the economy we are in now: the double overnight stay is from 1500 euros per person. But, its closing is not a happy event. A lot is lost, which was actually very cool.

1. It’s a kind of game

We love video games and we love Star Wars, so that the Galactic Starcruiser event wasn’t just a hotel, but a game of sorts, which makes it a real shame that it’s ending. You are really trained as a kind of Jedi and you get two days and two nights a kind of combination of multiplayer gaming, LARPing and interactive theater. So you will be completely swept up in the Star Wars adventure. So in this story you are in a ship, instead of a hotel, called Halcyon, and of course all kinds of things happen on that ship. It is actually even a kind of escape room, in which you work with all kinds of people and meanwhile characters from the movies try to join you.

2. It even fits into the Star Wars canon

You’re not just on some kind of starship: you’re on a starship that fits into the Star Wars canon. The spaceship is said to be 275 years old and Leia and Han would even have had their honeymoon there after the battle of Endor. Jabba de Hutt even sponsored casinos there. All the stories are correct in the larger Star Wars story, so even for the ultimate nerds who really know everything about the franchise, this is a big party. Or well, was: in September the hotel will welcome its last guests.

3. Many people lose their jobs

In this article we will of course mainly mention things that are very cool about this hotel experience, but there is another reason why it is very sad that this experience is coming to an end. It also means that many people will lose their jobs. It’s precisely because it’s such an immersive experience that it’s a very busy affair in terms of staff, and those people are of course fully instructed in how to play their characters: they empathize with that as much as the guests (perhaps even more so). It’s so sad that so many people are losing their jobs. Receptionists, chefs, you name it.

4. Everything is Star Wars

It’s a game, it fits into the canon, but it goes even further. It was made in collaboration with Lucasfilm and even the fabrics used to dress things up, so even the carpet, is completely in line with how George Lucas and associates once came up with this in this now all-encompassing universe. But everything is Star Wars in another way too: whatever you can think of is in the theme. The food, mindfulness training that is all about the ‘Force’.

5. It looks beautiful

It should come as no surprise, you have also been able to admire it in the pictures and video in this article: it looks so beautiful. Of course, it only opened in 2022 and was built specifically for this purpose, so it’s brand new and everything looks spic and span. The nice thing is that it is a LARP experience, so the adult visitors also do their best to look like Star Wars characters. Something that is not allowed in the regular Disney parks, because it is up to the cast members to portray the characters, not to the adult visitors (although children are of course allowed to dress up a bit more). Everything is so well themed, everything is so new, everything is so thought out: everything comes together in the Galactic Starcruiser.

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