55 arrests during street dealer action Red Light District

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55 arrests during street dealer action Red Light District

Amsterdam – In the weekend from 26 to 28 May, the police acted against 57 offenses during an action in the Red Light District and 39 area bans were issued. This action, which is carried out regularly, is intended to prevent nuisance from mainly street dealers.

The street trade in fake and real drugs causes a lot of crime and nuisance in the city center. Especially in the Red Light District. Street dealers loiter on the streets, harass visitors and often behave aggressively. The police regularly crack down on street dealers. Likewise last weekend.

For three nights, agents went recognizable and unrecognizable into the Red Light District to arrest street dealers. In total, the police took action against 57 violations and made 55 arrests and 2 arrests.

In addition to the arrests for offering fake drugs and/or real drugs, action was taken against, among other things, street robbery, theft in association, pickpocketing, disturbing public order, the Identification Act and the ban on knives.

The narcotics found at all street dealers have been seized and destroyed. Among the seized resources, there was also a considerable amount of ‘fake drugs’. Trade money from the dealers has also been taken away.

Approach and cooperation
The police, the Public Prosecution Service and the municipality are working closely together in tackling street dealers in the Red Light District. The police regularly act against the dealers with targeted enforcement actions. During these actions, the Public Prosecution Service is present in the police station for immediate settlement decisions. As a result, in addition to an administrative area ban, suspects immediately receive an OM decision or summons for a short-term hearing. In addition, the daily proceeds are taken away, making the trade less lucrative. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) was also present at this action.

This cooperation is very important because the parties can then act effectively with criminal law, administrative measures, supervision, prevention and other measures.

Information source: Politie.nl

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