​5 ways AI will influence your video meetings

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​5 ways AI will influence your video meetings

Video meeting tools such as Google Meet, Zoom and MS Teams are constantly being improved and it will not surprise you that AI plays a major role in this. It has been doing that for a while, but people are not always aware of it.

1. Polished faces

If you have prioritized your sleep, but you don’t want to appear in front of the camera with your out-of-bed look, you can polish yourself up a bit. With some tools you can even put on full makeup, because Microsoft Teams has a collaboration with Maybelline that allows you to provide yourself with a filter with just a little more color on your face. If it is more subtle, you can soon count on a kind of smoothing of your skin within Google Meet, which can also include the bags under your eyes. This way you feel a little fresher in the meeting.

2. Creative backgrounds

Do you have a messy house, does your cat sleep with its other side facing the camera or do you just like it when people focus on you and not on your house? There are some standard backgrounds to choose from, but you can also get creative. Thanks to AI, you can even generate backgrounds within Google Meet, for example. You will find that option under the visual effects when you are in a meeting and it can be recognized by an icon of a pencil with an AI star. You can then use a prompt to create a background, such as a room with all the fish in it, or a forest with mushrooms: it’s up to you.

3. Extensive transcriptions

There are several AI applications that can create complete transcripts of your meeting. The Samsung Galaxy S24, for example, has Galaxy AI that even distinguishes between who says what, so you don’t have to figure it out yourself, but you can simply leave it to the AI. That saves you a lot of writing and remembering: handy. The question is, of course, whether Dutch is properly supported, because if we use the Google transcribe app, for example, text often comes out that is not suitable for further processing.

4. Or just short summaries

Do you not want a transcription, but are you looking for AI that can help you make a summary of what was said, so that you can quickly read through it to be informed? You could even not attend the meeting and just read the summary, although that is a bit dangerous: someone will just barely address you. Within Zoom you can in any case ask for summaries, including documents that you must have read before the meeting starts.

5. Get the information you need quickly

Zoom is now introducing an Ask AI Companion, which you can actually ask questions about the meeting. This way you can ask who is in the meeting, but also for certain information from an email. It’s like having a secretary who you can ask for help at any time of the day and who also has the answer for you right away. This AI companion is probably also one of the most far-reaching AI tools within video meeting software to date. We are itching to try it: at the moment it is not yet available in Dutch, but that should happen soon.

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