​5 things you need to know before starting Roblox

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​5 things you need to know before starting Roblox

Roblox is extremely popular: children aged 6 play it, adults aged 36: the great thing is that a lot is possible. It is mainly known as a game for children, but there are also many adults who find great games in this world of game worlds.

1. Roblox has been around for a while

Before you start playing Roblox, it is good to have an idea of ​​the history of this game. Roblox has been around since 2006, although it only became a hit later. By later we don’t mean five years ago, after 2010. Roblox was released on iOS in 2012, on Android in 2014 and later also on game consoles. You could also play it on the website, but now it is really a separate app for PC. The fact that Roblox is so old also makes it a success. This really makes it a gigantic kind of metaverse of game worlds and that means that you never have to finish playing it. And of course the game has been regularly updated, so it has kept up with the times.

2. You need an account for it

It won’t surprise you very much, but it is good to know: to play Roblox you not only need the app, but also an account. To do this, you must enter your date of birth, username and password, unless you are under 13 years old, in which case you also need permission from your parents/guardians. Your account will also later receive a profile photo based on your character, and you can also see which games are recommended to you, and you will see a list of games by genre, such as ‘survival’ or ‘RPG’. The advantage of the account is that you can add friends and quickly get to worlds that you will probably really like.

3. You don’t have to make games yourself

Some people are ‘afraid’ of Roblox because they think they have to make their own game in it. That is not the case. It is possible, but in principle you can just enjoy the creations of others. It often seems like a lot of fun to make a game – and if you have a vision, then it is – but people often misunderstand how much work it actually is. So make sure you first explore other people’s worlds, and if you really want to do it yourself, you can always get started.

4. You can make money making games

If you want to make a game yourself, know that Luau is used to program those games. It is an open source programming language that allows you to create content (experiences), and you can also create games that other people have to pay for by using ‘games passes’. So you can also earn money with it.

5. Roblox is completely free

You can always try Roblox: the game is completely free, unless of course you want to visit those aforementioned games for which people charge money. However, there are also many free worlds to visit and play games. You certainly don’t have to spend money on the game, although it is of course fun to dress up your avatar nicely and you will have to pay money for that. However, you can also win in-game money by playing games. But other than that, you have to convert your real money into Robux if you want to buy anything in this game. We always think it is a fun sport to play free-to-play games for as long as possible and Roblox certainly scores points in this area.

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