3 things to pay attention to if you take out a SIM-only subscription

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3 things to pay attention to if you take out a SIM-only subscription

Do you want to contribute to sustainability and opt for a SIM-only subscription, because your old phone is still good? On the right track. You certainly do not always have to take out a subscription with a device, SIM-only is sufficient in many cases. But what should you pay attention to if you choose this type of subscription? We give you three tips.

How much service do you want?

Some providers consider service to be of paramount importance and you pay a lot for it, but how much service do you expect to need? In general, the installation process is fairly straight forward and almost all companies have a customer service department that you can contact. So consider carefully whether you want to pay a lot of money for service for your SIM-only subscription or whether you want to keep it in your pocket. And service is also important in the American way: your reach. If you know that one provider does not have fantastic coverage in your concrete house, but another does, then you may be forced to choose a particular provider based on that. For example, SIM-only from Odido works well for us, but that can be very different elsewhere.

How many calling minutes do you really still use?

Many providers include a certain number of calling minutes with the subscription, although nowadays it’s mainly about data. You may be used to looking at calling minutes, but consider how many you actually call and whether you can also call those people via the internet, such as via WhatsApp for example. In terms of data, you also have to carefully consider what you actually use. Are you always on WiFi at home and at work too? Then you probably need a lot less data than you think, especially if you don’t stream Netflix when you are walking on the street.

You don’t have to give your number

Many people think that if they change providers or take SIM-only, they also have to change numbers. Fortunately, that is not the case: you can simply move it with you. So you don’t have to change your number if you don’t want to, although it is an option if you do want to and want to start clean, or want to keep an extra telephone for your own company, for example.

If you are considering a SIM-only subscription, these are three things that you should definitely keep an eye on. Furthermore, after ordering, you have to wait until you receive the mail with your new SIM card, insert it into your phone with the pin and you can call, text and use the internet as much as you want. Or well, as what you based that SIM-only subscription on, of course.

This article was created in collaboration with Odido.

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